HDM Coordination: M HELGA
Heliodoro Santos
Marie Lelouche
Nacoca Ko
Sasha Belitskaja
Rubén Tortosa
Zike He
From science, computing, biology, ethics, morality and society, the totalitarian paradigms related to black or white, positive or negative or 1 or 0, are collapsing.
We could say that we live in an age of greys, mid-tones and degraded colours, where much of the nineteenth-century structures are, fortunately, falling down.
The construction of communities thanks to new communication technologies, as well as technological advances in different sectors such as quantum mechanics or computer science are making possible the acceptance of another world, in which affirmations can be double at the same time and where two paths to the same point can be parallel, symmetrical and equally valid.
All these processes are not implemented overnight. They are arduous tasks occasionally championed by scientists, thinkers, researchers or artists, who propose a new way of thinking and remind us that between hell and paradise is limbo, a space in which today it is already legitimate to dwell without the need to go up or down, without the need to burn like coal or to float in the ether.
When we face a new ideological challenge, technical difficulties arise that immediately hinder the achievement of these precepts. Laws, physical constraints, social and ethical constraints or even personal troubles.
But what is important in the analysis of the feasibility of a quantum computer?
The answer lies not in the construction of the machine, but in the conception of a new paradigm of thinking about this matter. What we could call a new opportunity, which in this case is based on the preponderance of information as a legitimate entity and matter.
Today, EVERYTHING revolves around this information and it does so largely through digital channels and computerised media.
This desertion undoubtedly leads us to delve deeper into the very content we are handling today.
Socially revolutionised by many different inputs that allude to the possibility of genetic alteration, the construction of the cyborg, asexuality or multisexuality, multiraciality and the hybridisation of species, as well as the impossibility of democracy and global states of siege, the corruption of the system by a “computer” virus or possibly created by human hands, together with fake news and the unlimited capacity of artificial intelligence to make us believe things, we find ourselves in the midst of the process of construction and acceptance of our “virreality”.
The virreality always identifies two things happening at the same time, a v can be a b and a space can be physical but also virtual or digital. An atom can coexist with a byte in the same environment of understanding reality and of course, a man can be a woman and vice versa or a 1 can be a 0 at the same time until someone stops the roulette wheel.
The exhibition NON BINARY poses a questioning through art and some of its main protagonists addressing this materialisation of the decisive moment in which the machine stops and shows us the absolute reality of the pre-established as non-binary.
As if it were an oracle, we want to propose possible results of this future or continuous present identified by this new model of contemporary thought traced by non-linearity and the classical models of understanding society, culture and the human species.
A new model that is not organised in two digits but always raises the possibility of 4, converting our reality into a mathematical implementation always altered or multiplied by two more digits, which opens up an unprecedented complexity, materiality and casuistry.
Perhaps this positioning leads us to understand one of the great mysteries of our own nature, our own code, which coincidentally is not binary but has 2×2 elements, 4 letters that change everything, our DNA.
This exhibition, which also marks the launch of the Harddiskmuseum’s cryptographic space, includes works that reflect on the new opportunities offered by technology as a model of expression, as well as the conceptual rupture of our current canons identified in the historical past.
This microverse is available for reflection on the new audiovisual, ethical, sexual, moral, religious, biological and scientific culture through the positioning of contemporary artists.