Founded in 2015 by the artist Solimán López, the Hardiskmuseum is a unique art repository that answers the questions arising from the new temporal codes of humanity, artistic production and cultural heritage.
Conceived as a tribute to the digital files that are the essence of the new media, the Harddiskmuseum becomes a turning device for the contemporary thinking.
Based on a 2 Terabyte hard disk, the Museum tries to draw a confusing line between the figure of the artist, the culture management, the knowledge society, memory, the art system and the combination of new exhibition models, cooperative, innovative and thought-provoking.
Our mission
When we mention the word museum our mind will automatically connect it to architecture.
An architecture that within the social and cultural context, it has survived the complicated economic possibilities, but it has also faced the challenging cultural and structural possibilities of our times.
With the high tech bubble and the example of great art centers as keystones of the cities culture where they were built, brick became synonymous with culture.
But the concept of art, culture and its significance may find shelter in other environments. It represents an intangible asset that stands and grows within the collective imagination, which might, or might not find shelter in a three-dimensional space.
Nowadays, this digital world is transferred into a society where word, expression and all the channels of information are expanded via social networks, blogs, videos, as well through an endless online offer.
Art itself is a living image of the society in which it is implemented; being precisely this art the answer to what happens within each particular context.
For the times we are living, complicated and confused, new drawings are coming up on the scenery of culture, the economy associated with the same and of course the artist`s work, commissioners and curators within this wide framework.
Everything is being redraw and virtuality is making way with no expected ending, which we undoubtedly have to understand, enjoy and organise.
The museum seen as an art center, cultural space, or gallery is completely connected to the idea of a three-dimensional space offering an artistic and informative content of interest.
But, does a hard disk itself may not be considered architecture? Isn`t the memory and the artists work being represented on hanging walls, either projected or installed?
Are there no files in a museum?
Does not the artist fingerprint remain printed on those walls?
A museum can answer to all these questions, however in its broadest concept, etymologically right; a hard disk can also do it.
A hard disk enables the information to be organised into folders, allows this information to be revealed and increased across peripheral devices and above all else, a hard disk is a universe.
Harddiskmuseum, does not intend to diverge into a series of alternative proposals, moreover, it tries to join urban art, netart and other fundaments to talk about this art structure and the society, and tries to draw a confused line between the figure of the artist, of the museum, of the culture budgets, of a knowledge-based society, of the memory, of the art starsystem and why not, to combine new exhibition models, co-operative, creative and generators of ideas and reflection.
Infoaddictives, today, we are prepared to bear upon our shoulders with one particular concern, information.
Images as memory assistants, video records as personal experience and the hard disk as container file and why not, in addition to all above said, of art.
Solimán López is a contemporary artist specialized in art, science, sociology and technology.
Founder of Harddiskmuseum and Innovation director at ESAT (Escuela Superior de Arte y Tecnología).
His career has been built on festivals, biennials, art centers, events and museums in Spain, USA. U, China, South Korea, France, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Greece, Uruguay, Germany, England, Italy, Portugal and Switzerland among other locations, highlighting the events of the Biennial of Digital Art in Brazil, the Biennial Nemo de Paris (Variations Art Fair), the Chronus Art Center in Shanghai, ISSEA 2019, the ZKM of Karlsruhe, Art Santa Mónica of Barcelona, the CCCC of Valencia, the IVAM of Valencia, Etopia of Zaragoza, the CAB of Burgos, the CEART of Fuenlabrada in Madrid, La Lonja of Alicante, Cigarreras of Alicante, CAC of Málaga, Es Baluard museum of Mallorca or the Nuit Blanche of Paris 2019.
His work as a researcher in new media has been shared in several universities such as the UFSM in Brazil, the University Carlos III in Madrid, the Google Campus in Madrid, the UPV in Valencia, the Bancaja Fundación, the Injuve, TEDx Valladolid, the Universidad de Cuenca, the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, MediaLab Prado, Madrid or Technarte Bilbao, among others.

Our team
Beatriz Ingelmo – Head of production
Martha Helga – Head of collection
Natallia Yaskevich – New projects and Sponsoring
Roberta Bosco – Art consultant and curator
José Ramón Alcalá – Art consultant art curator
Vidya-Kélie – Artist and art consultant
Elena Rodríguez – Co-Founder Madrid Experience