Sebastián Tedesco
The Archivist of Seville, the Terrorist Virgin of the Archive, María Cañas, audiovisual iconoclast, media savage, practices a videoguerrilla, who introduces herself into clichés and genres to dynamite them. She holds a degree in Fine Arts, a PhD in Aesthetics and History of Philosophy from the University of Seville and a master’s degree in Digital Post-production C.E.A. She directs Animalario TV Producciones, a creative space dedicated to the culture of recycling, appropriationism and artistic experimentation; a resistance to distraction in pursuit of the cultivation of internal fire.
His art has been exhibited in many festivals, fairs, events, art centres, museums and national and international galleries, such as La sustancia herencia, Risas en la oscuridad, C.A.A.C, Sevilla. Kiss the Fire. Espacio Iniciarte, Seville and Espacio 5. C.A.C. Malaga. AVANT 14 Cinema Arenan, Gallery Thimar/Westling, Sweden. Regarder penser la ville. Centre D’Art Contemporain Genéve, Switzerland. Isabel Hurley Gallery, Malaga. Llucià Homs Gallery, Barcelona. caS, ICAS, Seville. Fin de Fiesta en Sevilla, MIAM, Sète, France. Cycles and festivals of note: Lima Independent Film Festival. Mar del Plata International Film Festival, Argentina. X SEFF, Seville. Márgenes, Cineteca Matadero, Madrid. Cinespaña Festival, Toulouse. MIRA – Mostra de Novo Cinema Espanhol. Sao Paulo and Porto Alegre. Jornadas de Reapropiación, Mexico. The last Laugh, Film Society of Lincoln Center, New York. Filmoteca Española, Madrid, Filmoteca de Cataluña and Filmoteca de Andalucía, Instituto Cervantes…..
He has received numerous awards, including the RTVA Award and special mention from the short film jury at Alcances 2016, the El Público Canal Sur Award for the Visual Arts 2015, the first prize- Universo_vídeo grant at LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Hamaca, Gijón Film Festival 2015, the First Prize “Ciudad de Alcalá” at the Certamen Nacional de cortometrajes ALCINE Festival de Alcalá de Henares 2013, the Premio Julio Diamante Asecan Alcances, Cádiz 2013, the Premio Márgenes Festival, Madrid, the Prix Ibn Batuta. FIAV, Nimes, Román Gubern Essay Film Award, UAB, CaixaForum, Barcelona. Barcelona VisualSound, RTVA-Zemos98-Caja San Fernando Award.
Artwork details:
Title: Windowslogy
Description: Ventanas, ventanas y más ventanas…
Fileformat: MP4
Year: 2016